The Comments Tab

This tab will show any comments you or those you’ve given “Comment” permissions for the document. Note: Users with “Read” and “Write” permissions will not be able to make or see comments. To make a comment, highlight the section of text you want to comment on, and click the comment […]

The Resources Tab

The Resources Tab contains four unique writing tools at your fingertips including instructionalwriting guides, plagiarism detection, a vocabular builder and an open educational resource search engine.

Sharing a Document

You can share your document with your faculty, tutors, and peers who also have access to IntelliWriter by clicking the Share icon in the editing pane or in the file drop down: Selecting Users to Share With Once you’ve selected Share, you will be prompted to enter the email addresses […]

Save a Document

Save a document: When you are ready to save a document, you can save by clicking File and click either save or save as. The system will automatically save any document you are working on every 30 seconds. If you have not named the document the system will automatically save […]

Open a Saved Document

Open a saved document from IntelliWriter: You can open any saved documents you’ve created in IntelliWriter. Select open document from the file drop down and then select the saved document you would like to open.

Importing a Document

You can import a Microsoft Word or Google document directly from the platform. Click on “file” in the upper left-hand side. Select import from Word or Google Docs. You will then be directed to select the document from your computer that you’d like to import.

The Rule of Three

The “Rule of Three” was developed by faculty for faculty. This is a best practice to help faculty and tutors ensure that students are using the platform and help ensure that the papers they receive have gone through a revision cycle resulting in higher quality work! The “Rule of Three” […]

Export a document

You can export your document into a word document or PDF from the File drop down. When you export, the file will load on the bottom of your computer screen.